Cornerstone Kids
Questions? Contact Sandy Nass, Director of Children’s Ministries at
Volunteering in the children’s ministry is an incredibly rewarding experience. Working with children allows you to play a pivotal role in their spiritual development, organizing engaging activities and lessons that help build a strong foundation of faith. And it’s fun too!
Available Serving Opportunities and Responsibilities include:
Provide a safe and loving environment is provided during worship services and ABF (Adult Bible Fellowship) for babies and toddlers so moms and dads can worship and study without worry or interruption. The serving schedule is on a monthly rotation basis.
Engage & teach children from ages 2 years old thru 2nd grade with age-appropriate Biblical Truth lessons prepared especially for them. Weekly lessons & materials are provided. You can choose to help during either of our 8:15 or 10:45 am worship services on a monthly rotation schedule. Children’s Church helpers are also provided.
Engage & teach children from preschool through 6th grade with an age-appropriate Bible study designed to facilitate further discussions at home with their families. Weekly lessons and materials are provided. Needed time is from 9:30-10:30 am on Sundays. This is a school year or summer commitment.
Engage on Wednesday nights from 6:00–7:30 pm with kids PreK thru 4th grade. Kid’s Club is designed with Bible memory games, application of Biblical truth, engaging with missions videos/activities, and fun-based learning that points to a single message to help kids understand and apply God’s Word to their lives. This requires a commitment from August – March..
General volunteer positions are:
- Bible Coach (Large Group)
- Games Coach
- Missions Coach
- Small Group Coach
Engage on Wednesday nights from 6:00–7:30 pm with 5th–6th grade kids. We find that students this age are at a Crossroads – not quite kids and not quite teens. And they have questions – about God, themselves, and how it all fits together. Join us as we explore how faith and life intersect. This requires a commitment from August – March.
General volunteer positions are:
- Bible Coach (Large Group)
- Games Coach
- Missions Coach
- Small Group Coach
Help new & current families register their kids and check-in on Sunday mornings before each of our worship services. The required time to be there to help is at 8:00 am & 10:30 am in the front lobby. The serving schedule is on a monthly rotation.
It is so exciting to be a part of this incredible community event! Every summer Cornerstone KIDS opens up Eldridge Campus for the community’s children to worship, sing, snack, make crafts, and explore their faith. Ages Pre-School – 6th grade attend. Possible involvement areas are:
- Snack donations
- Supply donations
- Stage set up
- Set building
- Prayer
- Salvation Room
- Bible Room Teacher
- Bounce House Supervisor
- Small Group Leader
- Large Group Leader
- Clean Up Crew
- Worship Leading
- Music and Production
- Skit Leader
- Actors
- Photograper
- Nurse
If you are interested in serving, click the Volunteer Request Form below.