We are a Bible-believing church whose mission is to worship God,
proclaim Jesus, and to fulfill the Great Commission of
making disciples who make disciples.
Our Vision
“Every Christ follower a disciple; Every disciple a disciple maker.”

Jesus told his disciples: ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’ With these words Jesus gave the church its mission: to be disciples who make disciples. Rather than try to come up with a different mission, we choose to do what the Savior has asked of us: to be disciples who make disciple-makers. When we commit to the Lord’s desires for us, we believed we will become more like Jesus, and that we will make an eternal impact for the Lord in the world around us.
A disciple is anyone who has trusted in the gospel of Jesus Christ for salvation. Disciples have committed to living a Christ-centered life that is patterned after what Jesus expects of them; they set the course of their life according to the call and command of Jesus as their Savior and Lord.
- A disciple is committed to the Word of God, engaging the Bible daily
- A disciple is lead by the Spirit, consistently praying and walking in the Spirit
- A disciple actively participates in authentic community, living the life of faith in loving, trusting relationships.
- A disciple lives out his or her faith with purpose, sharing of their faith and hope in both words and actions.
At Cornerstone we continually gather to encourage and remind each other about the freedom we have in Christ. Because we value community, serving, and spiritual growth, we offer a variety of small groups & ministry opportunities for everyone to participate in. You can see
those ministries here.
Every Christ-follower needs to be discipled, and every Christ-follower deserves to be
discipled. If the idea of being more connected in purposeful Christian community so that you can grow to be more like Jesus is one you’d like to pursue more, you can look at our ministries
page to find a place to be connected.
Core Values
Our Christian faith is defined by our personal relationship with Jesus and is expressed in and through our relationships with fellow believers. Cornerstone is committed to enabling all believers to grow in Christ-likeness through their relationship with Jesus and in Christ-centered intergenerational relationships with one another.
Just as Jesus was full of both grace and truth, so also our church extends grace to sinners while at the same time calling for repentance and obedience to the truth of God’s Word. Our salvation is found in God’s grace, and our hope and freedom are found in his Word. good news of Jesus Christ both locally and globally.
Because the Holy Spirit is the source of our victory, we respond to him with lives that are empowered by, and exhibit the fruit of, the Holy Spirit. In the power of the Spirit we proclaim God’s truth, we pray, we serve, we worship in song, and we love God with all that we are.
Every disciple is called to be a disciple-maker. In this, Cornerstone is committed to equipping every believer to be engaged and actively involved in the Great Commission, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ both locally and globally.